Apa itu Creepware
Creepware (juga dikenal sebagai trojan akses jarak jauh atau RAT) adalah Perangkat lunak berbahaya yang diinstal pada perangkat korban tanpa sepengetahuan mereka dan memungkinkan penyerang mengakses dan mengontrol perangkat yang diretas (komputer, tablet, laptop, ponsel cerdas atau perangkat lain, misalnya, IoT - Internet of things) jarak jauh.
RAT akronim dapat menjadi singkatan untuk Remote Access/Administration Trojan (trojan dengan fungsi akses/administrasi jarak jauh), dan untuk Remote Access/Administration Tool (alat untuk akses/administrasi jarak jauh). Perbedaan antara alat akses jarak jauh dan trojan akses jarak jauh adalah bahwa yang terakhir dipasang secara diam-diam dan digunakan untuk tujuan ilegal dan/atau jahat, sementara alat akses jarak jauh digunakan untuk tindakan yang sah dan untuk tujuan yang sah, seperti dukungan teknis, menghubungkan ke rumah Anda atau komputer di tempat kerja saat bepergian, dll.
How creepware works
Creepware uses a model of work called client-server, but it distorts the usual idea of how this model works, i.e. when a user connects to a server that provides some kind of service. In the case of creepware, the victim's device becomes a server, and the attacker's device works as a client. The "service" provided to the attacker are information or unauthorized actions on the victim's device.
What are the features of creepware?
Creepware provides the attacker with access to the following elements on a compromised device:
- files;
- processes and services;
- clipboard;
- network connections;
- registry;
- connected peripherals (printers, webcams, audio recording devices, etc.).
In addition, creepware allows the attacker to remotely monitor the compromised device, namely:
- keep a log of keystrokes pressed;
- take screenshots of the screen;
- record video from the connected webcam;
- record audio from the connected microphone;
- steal passwords;
- download and upload files from/to the device;
- open web pages;
- display messages on the screen;
- play audio messages;
- reboot or turn off the compromised device.
The main goals of using creepware
Information theft
Creepware allows the attacker to steal information both contained in the files and entered by users from the keyboard or recorded by connected devices.
Using device resources
A compromised device can be used for DDoS attacks, spamming, cryptocurrency mining, etc.
The webcam on the victim's device can be used for secret recording.
Information stolen from the device can be used to blackmail the victim.